When you are a farmer, you can't just head out for a week. Dennis got up Sunday morning, fed the cows, and got them in pasture where he could move them into a 15 acre hay field, where they'll have to look out for themselves while he's gone. He went to church (Maw would be proud), and got his short nap in during the sermon. Came home from church all rested up, Kay fixed a nice lunch. After lunch, Lady (Dennis' trusted collie dog/helper) and Dennis moved the cows into the hay field (described above). Lady has been given her instructions for watching the cows and guarding Kay with any free time she has remaining.
Dennis also had to talk to BO (Barack Obama the Black Angus bull) explaining to him that he didn't want a lot of fence torn up while he was gone and expected him to stay at home and not visit the neighbors (unlike his namesake). Hopefully, Lady and BO have a clear understanding of what is expected of them in Dennis' absence.
Monday, D-day for the truck, Dennis picks up the truck. He had to go to Waynesboro to pick up the truck, do his normal wrangling in getting the truck, and hurry back home to have his son-in-law, Chris, load it for him. Being late, as usual, getting back home with the truck, Chris had all the furniture already moved out and ready for loading. Now, that's pretty good to have your son-in-law do that his last day of his Thanksgiving holiday.
OK, the truck's ready, rented, loaded, and ready for breaking the west wind.
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